The nonprofit Routt County Economic Development Partnership invites business owners and senior business managers to participate in the current survey for Yampa Valley Business Retention and Expansion Study.
One purpose of the online business study, found at, is to help identify less-obvious needs trending among local businesses.
The partnership is leading the community’s Business Retention and Expansion initiative to provide targeted support to existing primary businesses to promote long-term economic sustainability and help combat business closures and relocations.
The BR&E program provides personalized assistance to local primary businesses by engaging in one-on-one consultations with owners to address their unique needs — for example, locating insurance providers for a niche industry. Year to date, program advisors have met one-on-one with 51 business owners who employ some 527 people. The program helps connect with resources and opportunities such as Colorado Proud, Enterprise Zone, SBDC, retail space, employee benefits, job-share program, insurance for light manufacturing, Yampa Valley Green Business, B Corp and tax credits.